Quality Assurance Services

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As a Product Owner, you want software applications that provide personalised, integrated experiences with minimal bugs and issues. You would like to maximise the value of your product to the customers, keep a constant flow of user feedback and advance the product roadmap.


As a Head of Testing, your primary goal is to ensure that defects are detected early and efficiently during the software development process. You strive to create processes and tools to identify problems during the code writing, review, and integration phases. You want to promote faster development and higher software quality, while ensuring the security of your test environment.


As a Head of Delivery, you strive to meet customer needs by ensuring timely and high-quality service delivery. You focus on streamlining processes, maximising team productivity and making testing an integral part of the development process from the start. You struggle with the limitations of legacy systems that prevent you from delivering timely and high quality services.


As a leader responsible for software quality, product delivery, and testing, you understand the paramount importance of effective testing in ensuring product quality and enhancing customer satisfaction. You are also keenly aware of how well-executed testing by your dedicated test engineers can save countless late nights at work.

Developers find it progressively harder to detect and fix problems as code moves into later stages of development. Problems become difficult to remember and find, and it gets costly to reproduce defects during testing. Some complex flaws may not become visible until the production deployment phase.

Software development workflows should ensure that defects are detected as early as possible, hopefully, while the developer writes the code or during the code review phase.

cost of defects

One key challenge is identifying and fixing bugs before the software reaches your users. For example, a hidden bug in a financial app could expose customer data, harming your company’s reputation and possibly leading to financial loss.

Another concern is cybersecurity testing. In a time where data breaches are common, how do you ensure your software is secure against evolving threats?

Traditional testing methods may struggle to keep up with the rapid development cycles of Agile and DevOps methodologies.

While automation in testing is growing, finding the right balance between automated and manual testing,  managing the transition and balancing commercial considerations of automation vs manual testing can be challenging.

The integration of complex technologies like AI, ML, IoT requires sophisticated testing strategies.

These trends and challenges call for a thoughtful approach to software testing. It’s about anticipating issues, ensuring compliance, and aligning testing strategies with business goals.


We provide a thorough suite of software testing services that can be delivered as an all-in service or in partnership with your testing team.

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Quality Assurance Services approach

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